Flag Etiquette

Flag Etiquette

Flag etiquette is an essential part of showing respect and honor to the American flag, which is a symbol of the nation's pride and unity. The American flag represents the ideals and principles that the United States of America stands for, and it is the responsibility of every citizen to ensure that it is displayed and cared for in the proper manner. In this post, we will discuss the guidelines for raising and lowering the flag, as well as how to properly fold it.

Raising and Lowering the American Flag

The American flag should be raised briskly and lowered slowly and ceremoniously. It should be raised at sunrise and lowered at sunset, or as dictated by local custom. If the flag is to be flown 24 hours a day, it must be illuminated during the hours of darkness. When the flag is being raised or lowered, all persons present should face the flag, stand at attention, and place their right hand over their heart.

When the flag is flown at half-staff, it should be raised to the peak position first and then lowered to the half-staff position. The flag should be flown at half-staff on Memorial Day, Peace Officers Memorial Day, Patriot Day, National Firefighters Memorial Day, and any other day proclaimed by the President or Governor.

Displaying the American Flag

The American flag should be displayed in a position of prominence and respect, either on a flagpole or against a wall. When displayed on a flagpole, the blue field should be at the top and to the flag's own right. When displayed against a wall, the union should be at the top and to the observer's left.

The American flag should not be displayed in inclement weather, except when an all-weather flag is used. It should not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle or placed on a speaker's platform or stage for decoration. The flag should not be used as a covering for a ceiling.

Folding the American Flag

Folding the American flag is an important part of its display and care. The flag should be folded into a triangular shape, with the blue field and stars visible on the outside. The first fold is made by bringing the striped corner of the flag to the opposite side, where it forms a right-angle triangle. The next fold is made by bringing the same corner up to the top of the flag. The flag is then folded in this manner until only the blue field and stars are visible.

The folded flag should be handled with respect and care. It should never touch the ground or be used for any other purpose. When presenting the flag to a family member of a deceased veteran, it should be presented with the blue field and stars facing upward.

In conclusion, Flag etiquette is an important aspect of showing respect for the American flag, and it is our responsibility as citizens to ensure that it is displayed and cared for in the proper manner. We must follow the guidelines for raising and lowering the flag, as well as properly displaying and folding it. By doing so, we show our love for our country and honor the ideals and principles that the American flag represents.

Feb 23rd 2023

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