February 14, 1859: Oregon Becomes the 33rd State of the Union

February 14, 1859: Oregon Becomes the 33rd State of the Union

When Oregon Became a State: The Journey to Statehood

The beautiful and diverse state of Oregon has a rich history that dates back to the early days of American expansion. From its earliest settlers and pioneers, to the development of its cities and industries, Oregon has always been a place of growth, change, and innovation. And when it finally became a state on February 14th, 1859, it marked a new chapter in the history of the Pacific Northwest and the United States as a whole.

The Early Days of Oregon

Oregon's history begins with the arrival of explorers and fur traders in the late 1700s and early 1800s. These adventurous souls were drawn to the area by the promise of abundant natural resources and fertile land, and they established trading posts and settlements along the Columbia River and other waterways.

Over time, these settlers began to form communities and build families, and the population of the region grew. By the mid-1800s, the Oregon Territory was home to tens of thousands of settlers and was considered a vital part of the American West.

The Journey to Statehood

Despite its growing importance, however, Oregon was still not officially a state. This was due to a number of factors, including the ongoing debates over slavery and territorial boundaries, as well as the challenges posed by the rugged and largely unsettled landscape of the region.

Despite these obstacles, a group of dedicated and visionary leaders in the Oregon Territory worked tirelessly to make the case for statehood. They wrote letters and articles, gave speeches, and traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with politicians and officials.

Finally, after years of effort and perseverance, their hard work paid off. In 1857, Congress passed the Oregon Statehood Bill, and on February 14th, 1859, Oregon officially became the 33rd state in the Union.

The Legacy of Statehood

The statehood of Oregon marked a major milestone in the history of the Pacific Northwest, and it set the stage for the rapid growth and development of the region. With statehood came a new sense of pride and purpose, as well as access to resources and support from the federal government. This is not only an exciting moment in history, but it also marked the beginning of a rich tradition in the state of Oregon that continues to this day. One great example of this rich tradition is the state's official flag, which was adopted in 1925 and is a symbol of the state's pride and heritage. At FORTISVEX you can find a comprehensive and educational guide about the history and symbolism of the Oregon state flag.

This resource is great for anyone who wants to learn more about the history and heritage of the state of Oregon, and it provides a fascinating look at the history and evolution of one of the most iconic symbols of the state. Whether you're a resident of Oregon or just interested in learning more about the state, be sure to check out the guide on the Oregon state flag at FORTISVEX.


When Oregon became a state on February 14th, 1859, it marked the end of one journey and the beginning of another. It was a moment of pride and accomplishment for the people of the Oregon Territory, and it set the stage for the rapid growth and development of the Pacific Northwest. Today, 164 years later, we celebrate the rich history and enduring spirit of this amazing state and the people who call it home.

Jan 28th 2023

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