Ohio State Flags

Ohio State Flags

History of the Ohin State Flag

The Ohio state flag was adopted in 1902. It features a blue triangle with a white circle in the center. Within the circle is a red "O" with 17 white, five-pointed stars arranged around it. The 17 stars represent Ohio being the 17th state to join the United States. The flag also includes the state motto, "With God, All Things Are Possible," which is inscribed on a red ribbon within the circle.

The current design of the Ohio state flag is based on the Ohio state seal, which was adopted in 1803. The seal features a sun rising over a range of hills, with a sheaf of wheat, a bundle of 17 arrows, and a plow on the left, and a topped bundle of 17 arrows on the right.

The Ohio state flag has undergone several changes since it was first adopted. The original flag, which was adopted in 1803, featured a blue field with the state seal in the center. In 1867, the flag was redesigned to feature a blue triangle with a white circle in the center, similar to the current design. The number of stars on the flag has also varied over time, with the number of stars being adjusted to reflect the number of states in the union.

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